
PuppySites.Com is a service provided by MJZ Designs, LLC.
MJZ Designs, LLC and Mary Zinnecker can not be held responsible or liable for any transactions resulting from contacts made via PuppySites.Com.

PuppySites.Com does not recommend, guarantee, endorse, nor rate breeders or their stock. When dealing with breeders listed at PuppySites.Com, it is the buyer’s responsibility to check all matters relating to registration, health, quality and stud agreements with the breeders, sellers or stud owners before making any decisions.

Neither a web site listing nor advertising at PuppySites.Com should not be interpreted as an endorsement.

PuppySites.Com reserves the right to not list or remove at any time any web site listing or advertising.

PuppySites.Com reserves the right to remove any photo at any time if the representation and/or ownership of the photo is in question.